Posted By: frank
Date: 6 May 2005 at 18:24
What do YOU think?
When I was a kid and there was a bit of kerb to replace, stick up a signpost, or renew some gas piping, or replace the drains, we had a small gang of council employees descend with picks and shovels and a hand roller. If it was a BIG job it sometimes took them as long as three days.
Watching the 'humps' being put in in the Main Street kept me amused for weeks - and what a cock-up it was really, lol.
It seems most of this year the White Horse area has become the target of 'squatter' workmen. (I use that word in its broadest sense - almost stretching imagination to incredulity).
In my not so humble opinion, the average Japanese, Indian, German, French (well maybe not French), Arab, Israeli, South African, Australian - or most any other than an English Company carrying out whatever it is they ARE carrying out - would have actually organised the work, and employed actually workers to carry out the work. By my own reckoning, whatever the current 'workforce!!! ARE attempting to do would have been completed satisfactorily by them some weeks ago.
To be honest, those 'workmen' are a bigger menace than any 'New Age' or 'Gypsy' squatters will ever be.
Come on someone - own up: What the heck have you got in mind NEXT for those crossroads and the 'utilities' around them? Could you not just take unpaid extended sick leave or something - PLEASE.